And Now I’m All Alone
Last Friday was my team-mate’s last day! It was 2 months ago when I started working with her. For that short duration, I learned new things and enhanced my skills. And I would like to thank her for sharing things to me, and letting me be part of the group. I had fun working with her and now, I’m all alone…
Last Saturday, we threw a farewell party for her. We held it at Centerstage KTV, Jupiter. We have a reservation at 07.30 PM however, I arrived late since I still came from a “Run, Baby Run” activity with my HS friends.

It was my first time to bond with my officemates and we didn’t waste our time to sing all the songs on our list. LOL. The foods are good and tasty though I didn’t ate a lot because I already had my dinner before I came.
It was fun, though there are some side dramas (blast from the past). We ended up chit-chatting at Starbucks, then we went home by 3:00 AM.

And now, I’m a one-man team! Good luck!
Center Stage Family KTV & Resto Bar
Jupiter Place Bldg. 136-138 Jupiter Street
Bel-Air Makati City.
Open daily:
3:00PM to 4:00AM (Mon-Wed),
3:00PM to 5:00AM (Thur-Sat)
5:00PM to 2:00AM (Sun)